Wednesday 27 January 2016

Busy Bees in Room 1

We have been so busy learning lots of new things in Room 1! We have been learning new letters and sounds each week and we have even started to write some letters too which we are getting really good at!
This month we have been talking about 'Winter' and the weather in Winter. We have set up a 'Weather Station' in our classroom where we can play different characters-the weather reporter, camera man etc. Have a look at all our photos to see what we have been up to! Enjoy!

 Operation transformation is in full swing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8.50!! We love warming up and exercising before we start our busy day!

Our very own Weather station!!! We tune in every day at  12.00 to hear the latest weather reports.

Learning to write new letters
'a'-around the apple, down the worm, be careful it won't squirm

This is our light puppet show. During Aistear, we create shadows using a torch and some silhouette puppets. We read 'The Gruffalo's Child' and all our puppets are the animals from the book,

Winter ready!!! With some scissors and paper, we made our very own snowflakes.

Junk art in action!!! We love to ask our friends questions about the items they make.

We were learning all about Incy Wincy Spider-we even made our own spider cakes! They were so tasty.

Our very own 'Sound Muncher'! He like to gobble up different sounds and we must help him pick the right ones.

We are so lucky to have three teachers help us learn our letters and sounds each morning. We learn new rhymes and songs too-it is really fun!

Saturday 23 January 2016

Welcome to our class blog

Happy New Year to all and welcome to our class blog! Here you will have the opportunity to see all the fun that takes place in Room 1. We will be giving you updates so please take the time to follow us on our  learning adventure. We hope that you enjoy what you see.

Take a look at our first three months in school.......
Our Nativity play-The Sleepy Shepherd
Busy making reindeer food in 'Santa's Grotto
Our class Elf Marty checking up on us

Printing Christmas baubles using potatoes

Making Christmas trees using our three sided shape-the triangle
Having fun with clay



          We had fun learning about all the different fruits-where they come from and how they taste

b says /b/ as in banana

 When the youngest team up with the big girls in Scoil Mhuire-Our sponsored walk

Our mid-term fashion show made out of recyclable materials-we were very busy in Junk Art that week!

Learning all about capacity through water play

Before we set up a Cafe in our role play area-we needed to see 'the real thing'. We had muffins and drinks that day-Our €2 were well spent!!!

Making a boat using playdough and pasta shells!

 A cold Winter's day didn't stop us from planting garlic in John's garden! Little gardener's at work!!!